Marie's blog

We Proudly Present Healthcare Administration Graduate Tuwaina Nolen

Ready for a healthcare career, Tuwaina Nolen did not stop at earning her diploma. After completing Rockford Career College's medical assistant program, she continued on to our Associate of Applied Science in Healthcare Administration program. After enrolling, Tuwaina studied diligently and kept pressing forward with her goal always in mind. All of us at RCC are extremely proud of Tuwaina for graduating and achieving her academic and professional goals.

We Proudly Present Medical Assistant Graduate Berniceka Ellis

“The only thing standing between you and your goal is the story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it.”1 This quote from Jordan Belfort inspired Berniceka Ellis to take control of her professional future rather than succumb to negativity. After enrolling in Rockford Career College's medical assistant program, Berniceka studied hard and completed hands-on training to prepare for a new career. We are very proud of her for graduating on the President's List with a 4.0 GPA.  

We Proudly Present CNC and Robotic Manufacturing Technology Graduate Mitchell Thompson

"We have two ends with a common link. With one we sit, with one we think. Success depends on what you use." This quote inspired Mitchell Thompson to expand his knowledge so he could pursue success in his desired career field. Mitchell applied himself in our CNC and robotic manufacturing technology program and developed his technical skills in our on-campus lab. We are so proud of Mitchell for graduating on our Dean's List and starting a new career!

We Proudly Present CNC and Robotic Manufacturing Technology Graduate Adam Mohr

Adam Mohr believes when pursuing a new career, it's vital to persevere and not be deterred by challenges. Adam knew that by staying determined, he would be able to achieve the career of his dreams. His hard work in the lab earned him a spot on our Dean's List as well as a new career in CNC and robotic manufacturing technology. We are proud not only of his fantastic grades but also his will to succeed. Adam encourages all current and potential students to stay focused on their goals. “Don't give up,” Adam says.
