We Proudly Present Electrical Technician Graduate Aaron Esparza

Aaron Esparza, a Rockford Career College graduate, has a helpful tip for those seeking to become electrical technicians. “Have a good grasp in which field you would like to take your talents: self-employment, the IBEW union, apprenticeships under master electricians, and/or industrial electrician,” he says. Electrical technicians have a wide range of employment options, and our programs strive to prepare students for all of them. All of us at RCC are extremely proud of Aaron for graduating and beginning his new career as an industrial electrical technician at Del Monte Foods.
What You Learn in a Electrical Technician Program
For each graduate of a program, we highlight three different courses. During the program, Aaron took courses such as: Electrical Drawings and Load Calculations, Specialty Transformers and HVAC Controls, and Motor Operations.
In these courses, he learned about:
- Electrical drawings; selection and applications of cable trays; procedures for low voltage topics including voice, data, and video; and load calculation of feeders and services
- Backup power and special communication systems and wiring devices necessary for healthcare facilities, such as fire alarm systems, Digital Alarm Communicator Systems (DACS), installation wiring for alarm initiating and notification devices, and alarm system maintenance; troubleshooting HVAC systems and their controls; and NEC requirements
- Heat tracing systems along with their applications and installation requirements, basic motor operation and maintenance, and medium voltage terminations and splices
How Our Graduate Became an Electrical Technician
Like Aaron, you too could become an electrical technician in just a matter of months and start your career journey in this interesting and necessary profession. On-campus training in the lab allows students to develop their practical skills before graduation. We are here to help you with everything from completing the enrollment process to finding a tutor to networking with local employers. The College even offers financial aid to those who qualify!
Rockford Career College's Electrical Technician Program at a Glance
Program Length: 10 months
Learning Environment: 100% of this program is taught on campus at the lab
Meet Our Electric Technician Lead Instructor
Job Outlook: 8% increase for electricians in the U.S. projected from 2019 - 20291
Find out more about our electrical technician program today. Call 888.680.6682 or submit the Request Information form on our website. No matter where you see yourself employed in the future, we are ready to assist you.
1 National Center for O*NET Development. Illinois Employment Trends: 47-2111.00 – Electricians. O*NET OnLine. Retrieved May 14, 2021, from https://www.onetonline.org/link/localtrends/47-2111.00?st=IL&g=Go
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